Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Palácio do Governo de Timor-Leste

   Palácio do Governo de Timor-Leste

O Palácio do Governo de Timor-Leste é um edifício governamental que é a sede do gabinete do primeiro-ministro de Timor-Leste.


(The Palace of the Government of Timor-Leste is a government building that houses the office of the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste.)


A construção foi iniciada na década de 1950 devido aos graves prejuízos causados pelas tropas de invasão japonesa durante a II Guerra Mundial ou Guerra do Pacífico. Foi construída para ser o Palácio do Governador ou das Repartições durante a parte final da administração portuguesa. Durante a ocupação da Indonésia, isto é, entre 1975 à 1999, foi onde estavam o governador e o "vice-governador". Com a independência, em 2002, é batizado para Palácio do Governo e é instalado o gabinete do Primeiro-Ministro do país e mais alguns ministérios ou  secretárias de Estado.



Construction began in the 1950s due to the severe damage caused by Japanese invasion troops during World War II or Pacific War. It was built to be the Palácio do Governador or the Repartições during the final part of the Portuguese administration. During the occupation of Indonesia, that is, between 1975 and 1999, it was where the governor and the "vice governor" were. With independence, in 2002, it was renamed the Government Palace and the country's Prime Minister's office and some other ministries or secretaries of State were installed.

Bank nearby Government Palace


About Mandiri Dili

Leading, Trusted, Enabling Growth

Bank Mandiri Dili was established in 2003, as an overseas branch of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. For more than 16 years Mandiri Dili has been providing financial products and services to over 40,000 individual and business customers in Timor-Leste.

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk is the largest financial institution in Indonesia. It has established an overseas network in Timor-Leste, Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong, Shanghai, Cayman Island, and London. To get more information on Mandiri Group, click here.

About BNU Bank 

The BNU in Timor Creation of the Dili Agency in Timor in 1912
The Royal Charter of Dom Luís I, of May 16, 1864, sanctioned the decree of the general courts, of May 10, authorizing the creation of a bank called Banco Nacional Ultramarino.

Article 2 was clear about the objectives outlined for Banco Ultramarino: “The national overseas bank will have a branch in Loanda in the province of Angola with an effective capital of no less than 400:000$000 réis, which may be raised to 1,000: 000$000 réis, and successively as needed, as well as branches in Benguella and Mossamedes: and in each of the other overseas provinces, as well as in each of the captains of the four districts of the Azores and Madeira, there will be at least one agency”.

Effectively, the BNU was created with the objective of being implemented in all the places of the vast and distant Portuguese colonial empire, and helping to develop the economy of those territories.

It would then be up to the Bank to financially help these territories, a mission that the State was clearly unable to carry out in its entirety, effectively achieving this objective with success, in the years following its creation.
Leia o documento na íntegra >>

CGD - Gabinete do Património Histórico
Rui Miguel
Maio de 2012

About Cental Bank Timor Leste(BCTL) 


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